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Comunità studentesca de “L’Antibagno”
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The Pathways in the History of Human Thought as a function of the teaching of reading
and writing represent a free educational offer aimed at all Italian and foreign citizens,
regardless of their educational qualifications, to encourage the development of the
exercise of reading and writing.
The experience of reading (as reflection and analysis on the written text) and writing (as a synthetic representation of one's thoughts) is practically absent from the life of the citizen. Regardless of educational qualifications and social conditions, 77% of citizens do not read and 86% do not write. Approximately thirty-five million Italians suffer (to varying degrees) from semi-illiteracy, and this is why they do not read or write.It is therefore necessary to implement a literacy, educational and cultural animation campaign that invests the entire population because "without literacy there is no intellectual growth or democratic development..."
how and why...
Why should citizens follow a study itinerary (free, gradual and continuous) proposed by the Public Adult School ?
Because the Pathways of the History of Human Thought as a function of the teaching of reading and writing pursue some important objectives useful for being able to "invest in intelligence"...
The “legere multum”...
The Pathways of the History of Human Thought as a function of the didactics of reading and writing pursue the goal of teaching to "legere multum (in small doses but constantly and with great care)"... it is necessary to learn to devote ten minutes a day to the exercise of reading, in fact the habit of reading, carefully, four pages a day (in a year they become about 1500...) makes the citizen a strong and aware reader.
The repertory...
The Pathways to the History of Human Thought as a function of teaching reading and writing pursue the goal of teaching how to "analyze a cultural repertoire" is necessary to learn about key-words and to understand the significant ideas in the History of Human Thought if you want to understand what you read and if you want to have a reason to write, without "keys" (the words, the ideas) you will not open the door to reading.
The scheme.
The Pathways to the History of Human Thought as a function of teaching of reading and writing pursue the goal of teaching how to "develop an intellectual scheme" ... it is necessary to learn how to synthesize one's thoughts through writing, in fact the habit of writing four lines a day, preferably of an autobiographical nature, makes the citizen a person who knows how to sweep with the gaze within himself because "we cannot know anything external to us by bypassing ourselves."
The workflow in the stages of learning...
The Pathways to the History of Human Thought as a function of teaching of reading and writing pursue the goal of teaching how to "reflect on one's own learning"... it is necessary to learn how to govern, administer and empower the actions that foster learning: knowing (the words), understanding (the ideas), applying (the curriculum), analyzing (the thinking), synthesizing (the text), and evaluating (the cognitive workflow). One learns when one consciously follows the itinerary that leads to "learning to learn."
The right to learn is one of the fundamental rights of the person because it leads to the achievement of the right of citizenship, and the right to learn is acquired (there is no right without a duty) especially by maturing skills in the practice of reading and writing.
L’ultima lezione: 2025-03-07
Here is a short Youtube video clip - published by Sicrea Firenze - presenting an essential but effective synthesis of our school’s educational purpose